Last Saturday I had plans.

Clean. Pick up my son from his sleepover. Maybe some groceries. Cooking. You know, the usual stuff.

When I woke I felt really tired. As I got up I felt empty in my chest – like it could cave in at any time.

I knew the feeling. I knew the day was not going to match my to-do list.

The day was about rest. It was about me giving myself space to be with just me.❤️

Before calling my son to change plans, I checked in with my Body.

Asking myself.✨

If I go today, what happens to my energy?

“Collapse”, was the answer.

If I rest today and go tomorrow?

“Energy. Grounded.”, was the answer.

I called Aiden and asked if he was happy to stay another night. Yep.👏

Then I took time to ask my Body what was needed.

Make a smoothie. Shower. Drink the smoothie. No laptop or phone. Wash clothes. Meditation. Watch a feel-good movie. Stretch before bed. Meditation. Sleep.🌻

And that’s what I did. Gently meeting myself with love and compassion as I moved through the day.

It wasn’t easy to surrender into the rest. To feel the emotions. To give myself the love and attention I needed. To let go of the guilt.

But. I did. And I’m so damn proud of me! Especially because there was no binge eating or avoiding through checking my phone a million times a minute.🙏

In truth, I am in awe of how much I have changed when moving through challenges.

Yes, I can get caught up in my “avoiding” patterns. But, that doesn’t last long. I’m starting to recognise them sooner so I can make a different choice.

And, true to my Body’s intuitive word, I woke up on Sunday morning feeling tired. But once I showered and did my yoga/meditation practice, I felt so happy.👏

I cleaned. Picked my son up. Did groceries. Went for a walk. Cooked a lovely dinner. And I still felt energised as I moved through the week!

What a difference a rest day makes!!❤️

So grateful for the self-loving compassionate self-aware intuitive BodyMastery relationship I’ve cultivated with myself.

It’s changed my life – from the inside out. 🙏


Are you taking time to listen to what your Body is telling you? Are you taking time for rest?

With Love, Jane xx

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