As humans, we are always learning and growing.

And if we choose to grow into our authentic selves, we must lean in and learn about ourselves.  Which can be very uncomfortable.  Especially when faced with our patterns that are not so … authentic.

I am faced with one of these patterns at the moment.

The pattern of “giving giving giving” to avoid myself.  The pattern of thinking I have to be OK even if I’m not.  That I can “do it all” for everyone else.  And that will make it all better.

This is the classic rescuer within me.

If everyone is OK and fixed, then I will be OK.

I know this is not how it works.  I’ve known this for years.  I’ve done so much inner-work to embrace and heal this part of me.  

But, here I am again.  Avoiding what’s within.  And ignoring my Truth.

I can hear that voice in me saying, “Seriously! Again??  WTF!”

(Deep breath.  Lean in with loads of love, compassion and understanding.)

I thought that running my new Sacred Space workshop next Saturday(29th July) was Truth.  I thought.  

But, this past week, as I’ve allowed myself to be vulnerable in my “not being ok-ness”, I realised that the “thought” was not coming from Truth.

It was coming from an old pattern.

Although, I will say, the inspiration for this workshop is absolute TRUTH.  I can feel the energy and need for it.  And I’m truly excited to share it.

It’s just not Truth to offer it next weekend.  Which is why I am postponing for the moment.

To be honest, I feel embarrassed by this decision.  I’m judging myself and thinking “I feel like a flake.  Why is this happening … again!!”

(Another deep breath.  Speaking words of love and compassion to this part of me.)

As always, I am reminded that this is a moment of learning.  Of unlearning.  Even relearning.

This experience has given me the opportunity to embrace this embarrassed rescuer part of me with love and compassion.  Bringing her into wholeness within my Heart.  Letting her know, “It’s OK to change plans. It’s Ok to make mistakes and not be perfect.  It’s Ok to not to be OK.”

And, importantly, it’s OK to be vulnerable and receive space for love and support.

Because, when we give ourselves this space, magic happens.

I can already feel my energy changing as I write this email.  It’s healing.  It’s liberating. It’s helping me embody more of my “holding sacred space” superpower.

For me, this is the journey of BodyMastery.  The journey of growing into our authentic-selves; into our Soul-Truth.  Where we are expressing our infinite wisdom through every cell of our bodies.

So, here I am.  Being vulnerable and transparent as I honour my sacredness.

Reminding myself.  I don’t have to do it all.  Giving and receiving is a balancing act.  When I let go of what is not Truth, I create space for what is. I am perfectly imperfect.  I am a priority in my life.

This is the magic I was talking about.  It’s truly amazing.  I am forever in awe of what happens when we lean in and listen to our Truth.

With Love, Jane xx

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