I have reached another layer of distortion in my body. A layer that is ready for healing.

Symptoms of body dysmorphia that I’ve lived with most of my life.

Body checking (mirror and scales). Comparing myself. Beating up on myself for not “looking” a certain way. Hating different parts of my body. Wishing I was someone else. Struggling to leave the house. Isolating myself. Seeing beauty in everyone else but not believing it’s in me.

I know I’ve changed a lot and I do love myself and my Body. But at the moment, those voices are getting louder and the distortion is getting clearer.

For this I am grateful, because I understand more about myself and the “why”.

I see the programming. I see the life experiences and generational programming that have contributed. I see energetics of it within.

I see it’s time to take back my power. To put in place practices that will help me create change. To wrap myself up with LOVE.

Because as we meet ourselves with a clear intention of LOVE, we change the vibration of our cells – of our energy.

This process is not always easy, but I know it’s so worth it.

This intuitive picture I drew shows the jagged distortion of energy in the left side of my abdomen. And the message was clear.

LOVE. Meet yourself with Love. Fill the distortion with Love. Fill your thoughts with Love. Place your hands on your Body with Love. Choose to see yourself through eyes of Love.

And. Don’t give up. Because, sometimes, I want to. When I feel heavy with burdens and the tears are flowing and I can’t see clearly.

But, there is something in me that keeps whispering “It’s OK. This is part of the healing process. Be gentle. Take time to rest. Listen to your intuitive heart. Let Love guide you.”

This is the voice I listen to and continue on my Self-Love path.

Because this path leads us back to ourselves, to our Soul-Truth. It is a path that creates peace and will help change our world for the better.

With Love, Jane xx

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“The power to create change is within you.”