Does this sound familiar?

You want to lose weight, get fit, tone up, feel amazing, look even more amazing, have a flat tummy, etc etc

You start a diet or exercise plan.  You’re doing it.  You’re exercising daily.  You’re eating all the “right” foods.  At about the 2 week mark, you’re feeling great and you’ve dropped a few kilos.

“Wow, I’m doing so well.  This is great!  I feel so good.” 

Then.  It all stops. Without even realising it.

2 weeks later, you wake up thinking “What the F-happened? I was going so well.”

Then 3 months down the track when all that bloated, yucky, “I feel fat and disgusting” feeling overwhelms you, your motivation kicks in.  You start “that” diet again and that gym membership you’ve been paying for comes in handy.

2 weeks down the track. You hear yourself say, “Wow, I’m doing so well.  This is great!  I feel so good.” 

Then. It all stops. Again. WTF????

“Why do I keep sabotaging myself!?”

That is a great question to ask yourself.  When we ask questions from within, we will receive answers.

I remember asking myself this question years ago, whilst standing in my kitchen wondering “Why the f#!& do I keep stopping. What is wrong with me?”

This time, I actually dropped into my Body and listened for the answer.

Which was …

“Because you don’t deserve to be healthy and to have the body you want.  All these years of Self-Criticising and hatred.  You don’t deserve your goals to come true.”

Whoa.  Now, this was an amazing breakthrough for me.

I could see the belief-system that was being triggered and creating self-sabotaging behaviours.

As soon as I said anything like, “I’m going so well”, or even if another complimented me, all the conscious inspiration would stop because my subconscious belief said “I don’t deserve”.

For me this Self-Awareness was GOLD.  I realised Self-Sabotage was not the enemy.  It was simply showing me subconscious belief systems that aren’t aligned with my Soul-Truth.

So with my newfound awareness, I was able to start making changes. 

And most importantly,  stop criticising myself and stop saying things like “What is wrong with me”.

Because, the truth is, there is nothing wrong with me.  And there is nothing wrong with you.

We’ve just been programmed to believe we aren’t worthy, or we don’t deserve, or [insert your own old belief-system here].  And, because the sub-conscious mind is running our lives 95% of the time, our behaviours will reflect these programs.

This is why Self-Awareness is so important.  When we are Self-Aware we can start to reprogram our sub-conscious mind so our belief systems are aligned with our Soul-Truth and True-Heart desires.

This is how we break free from the cycles of Self-Sabotage.

You might be thinking, “But how do I reprogram myself?”

Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Each day, set the intention to live from your Soul-Truth and from Self-Love.  
2. Meditate daily.  Even if it’s for 5 minutes.  It will cultivate Self-Awareness.
3. Use your journal to reflect on your behaviours, thoughts etc. Get to know yourself.
4. When you come across an old belief-system, transform it into Love.
5. Use affirmations to help cultivate a strong positive mindset.
6. Take action each day to nourish your Body.  

And remember, every little step you take will support positive, love-filled change from the inside out.

If you’re still struggling and feeling like you need help, come and join us in BodyMastery Studio.  Everything I offer is designed to help you live life empowered in Self-Love.  

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