As I worked to launch my new Self-Love Meditation offerings yesterday, I noticed my anxiety levels rising.😬

I could feel very subtle feelings of a potential panic attack. It’s been a long time since having one.

So, I stopped what I was doing and chose to check in with my Body and the anxiety. 🙏 In my notebook, I wrote the words “just acknowledging that I feel anxious …”

Tears rose to the surface as the many words of “why” flowed. Then I chose to ask. “Dear Anxiety, what are you trying to tell me?”🌻 And this was my answer.

“I’m telling you to stop and listen. Listen to what is needed.

Yes, your work is important and needs to be done. BUT, I ask you, Jane. Have you been listening to what YOU need? Just you!

No one else. Nothing else.

I need to curl up and read. That’s it. That’s what my inner-child needs. That’s what my Body needs. To get lost in a favourite novel.

No inner-work. No worrying. No thinking about what you have to do for others. No wondering about the future. No stressing about “those” situations.

Simply BE in the moment doing what you love. JUST FOR YOU!”🌻✨🙏

This was a powerful conversation. And I listened. I read my book and gave myself the “me-time” I needed.

As a mum, businesswoman and Human, I am reminded [again] how important it is to listen to our Bodies. To give them space to share. To listen deeply. And take gentle action. Because. It makes a huge difference to our energy, health and wellbeing.

As always, I’m in awe of how empowering and healing it is when we listen to our Body.  I’m in awe of what happens when we lean in with compassion and ask the “uncomfortable” what it’s showing us.  🙏✨

I ask you, are you listening to your Body? Are you taking time just for you? ❤️

With Love, Jane xx

PS If you’re not sure how to connect and listen to your Body, I am here to support you.  Book a free discovery call with me, and we can help you discern what support you need.

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