Many moons ago, I attended a yin yoga class where the teacher said something that has really stuck with me.

As we moved through the class, she would intermittently remind us, “If your mind is thinking, say ‘Not now mind …’ ”

“Not now”  These two words really resonated with me.  It felt so gentle yet powerful.

I have adopted these words to help me set internal boundaries when my mind is off thinking.  I use  it during meditation.  I use it when I’m trying to sleep but my mind won’t stop.

And I use it when I’m guiding my meditation classes.

“Not now mind.  I’m meditating.”
“Not now mind.  I’m going to sleep.”
“Not now mind.  I choose to be present.”

It is a gentle way to set an internal boundary for yourself.  It is a gentle way to bring yourself back to presence.

Sometimes we can get cranky at ourselves and tell ourselves to “Shut up” or whatever words may be used.  Personally, through years of self-criticising experience, I now find this too harsh.

My Body is craving kindness and compassion.  My cells need me to be gentle.  I need me to be gentle.  And I need some loving internal boundaries that honour my energy.

I wanted to share this story with you because maybe it will resonate with you.  Maybe you’ve been looking for a new loving way to empower yourself.  Maybe your Body is craving gentleness too.

So the next time you find yourself in drama-filled-self-criticising-thinking-land, acknowledge where you are, take a deep breath (or three) and say “Not now mind, I’m [add your own words here.]”

Then take a moment to notice how your Body is responding. How does it feel?  Can you feel the gentle power in setting an internal boundary?  Can your feel how it brings you back to presence?

As always, I truly hope my words support you on your self-loving BodyMastery journey.

Wishing you a beautiful day.


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