🌿P E A C E🌿

I used to think if I fixed everyone around me, then I would feel peace, happy and safe. Classic rescuer.

Thankfully, I woke up and realised Peace starts within me. I had to heal the war raging inside of me. And stop believing I was responsible for everyone else’s “stuff”.

Healing the relationship with myself. Healing the trauma. Embracing all aspects of myself with Love and Compassion. Forgiving myself. Choosing to get off the self-hating-criticising cycle. Choosing to love myself and my Body. Choosing to live from my Soul-Truth.  Making a commitment to live from Love, Compassion and Grace.

These are just some of the choices I’ve made in the past 16 years that have brought Peace to my inner world. I’m certainly not perfect, but my goodness, I love where I’m at. So grateful.

I truly believe, when we bring Peace to our inner world, the ripples reach out to others and inspire the same.

What ways are you choosing to create Peace within? Can you see how it’s influencing your outer world?

With Love, Jane xx

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“The power to create change is within you.”